My Books
I'm really proud to have authored two books for kids - or kids at heart: I Am Your Songwriting Journal and Let's Make a Movie!

I Am Your Songwriting Journal
by Danny Tieger

This guided journal is for every kid who has a melody in their heart, but just needs a little help crafting a song that tells a captivating story -- and sounds like it could only have come from them!

IAYSJ will teach them the basic mechanics of songs and answer some of the big first questions we have about songwriting, like: "What comes first - music or lyrics?"

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Let's Make a Movie!
by Danny Tieger

This guided journal is for every kid who loves movies and wants to make them, but isn't sure about how to get started telling a compelling and captivating story -- one that is entirely their own.

Let's Make a Movie will teach them the basic mechanics of making a movie using only the things they already have on hand. If you have a phone or an iPad in your house - you're ready!

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